Rain Garden Events Offered in September

Bluegrass Greensource will be hosting several Rain Garden Workshops this fall in Clark, Madison, and Woodford Counties. Each workshop is FREE and open to the public.

Fall workshop dates include:

September 4, 2014     Madison County Extension Office

September 6, 2014     Midway Christian Church

September 20, 2014   The Generations Center (Winchester)

September 27, 2014   Sustainable Berea


“Bluegrass Greensource is so excited to host these rain garden workshops in Central Kentucky,” said Kara Sayles, rain garden project coordinator. “We are also offering a limited number of $250 grants to eligible residents who want to build their own rain garden.” Only residents of Bourbon, Clark, Jessamine, Madison, Scott, and Woodford counties who attend a workshop are eligible to apply for these grants.

A rain garden is a garden planted in a shallow depression which is strategically located on a property where it captures stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces, such as rooftops, patios, and driveways, before it enters the stormwater system. The soil and plant roots use natural processes to improve water quality by filtering pollutants, the overall amount of stormwater runoff is reduced, and the groundwater supply is recharged.

The workshops are designed to educate homeowners about the benefits of installing a rain garden and improving water quality, and the best management practices for stormwater. Participants will learn how to determine the right location for a rain garden, how to build and maintain a rain garden, and what types of plants are most successful and environmentally beneficial. Additionally, the participants will have the opportunity to take part in planting native plants in a rain garden near the workshop.

“We are proud to educate Kentucky homeowners about the numerous benefits of rain gardens and to demonstrate a tool that virtually anyone can use to manage runoff on their property,” states Kara. Space is limited for workshops, so to register or learn more details, please visit Bluegrass Greensource’s website.

Additionally, we are offering a Rain Garden Tour in Fayette County on Sunday, September 14th from 2-5pm. Participants will tour several residential rain gardens in the Meadowthorpe neighborhood. The tour will begin at the Meadowthorpe Community Center at 333 Larch Lane, Lexington. Contact Kara Sayles for more information.

This work was funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under §319(h) of the Clean Water Act. Bluegrass Greensource (formerly Bluegrass PRIDE) is an environmental non-profit organization that offers resources and educational information to foster positive environmental change in their communities. Founded in 2001, Greensource provides outreach to schools, community groups, businesses, local government, and citizens in Central Kentucky.

Rain Garden Opportunities

Rain Garden Tour

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